Information according to § 5 TMG

Hubert Schulte GmbH
Hellefelder Straße 75
59846 Sundern-Hellefeld

Phone: (0 29 34) 96 16 0
Fax: (0 29 34) 96 16 13


Manufacturing Director: Martina Weber

Register court: Amtsgericht Arnsberg
Register number: HRB 1334

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 of the German sales tax law: 303/5714/0576


Online settlement of disputes

The European Commission offers a platform for online settlement of disputes at This platform can be used by consumers for settling a dispute, and it also provides further information on the topic of dispute settlement.

Out-of-court dispute resolution

In case of disputes with a consumer, we are neither obliged nor ready to participate in a dispute resolution by a consumers’ conciliation board.

Image source:

Hubert Schulte GmbH
Hellefelder Straße 75
59846 Sundern-Hellefeld
You didn’t reach us? No problem.
We’ll call you back as soon as possible.


(0 29 34) 96 16 0

(0 29 34) 96 16 13

Request call-back:

    I agree with the processing of the entered data as well as with the data privacy statement.

    Hubert Schulte GmbH
    Hellefelder Straße 75
    59846 Sundern-Hellefeld
    Sie haben uns nicht erreicht? Kein Problem!
    Wir rufen Sie zeitnah zurück.


    (0 29 34) 96 16 0

    (0 29 34) 96 16 13

    Request call-back:

      I agree with the processing of the entered data as well as with the data privacy statement.